HPE Networking Instant 8.6.0.x Meridian Beacons Management And Asset Tracking Configuration Guide Follow
This guide describes the setup and configurations required for supporting Meridian Beacons Management and Asset Tracking on the HPE Networking Instant.
Contacting Support
Table 1: Contact Support
Main Site | meridianapps.com |
Meridian Support | asp.arubanetworks.com |
Airheads Social Forum and Knowledge Base | community.arubanetworks.com |
This article assumes that the user has admin rights to configure their infrastructure according to HPE Networking deployment guide. The user must also have admin access to an active Meridian Editor account with the required Meridian SKUs enabled for beacons management and/or asset tracking.
General WLAN Configurations to Support Meridian
The HPE Networking Wi-Fi network infrastructure is configured using a HPE Networking IAPs.
Configuring Clock/NTP services
Time synchronization is an essential part of managing beacons and tracking asset in your network so make sure that all the nodes are synchronized with the same reference server and time.
Configuring preferred DNS to reach *.meridianapps.com
The controller should have DNS configured and be able to reach *.meridianapps.com server.
Meridian Editor Assets
The following Meridian assets are required to complete the configurations for Beacons Management and Asset Tracking.
Access Token
The Access Token is used by the controller to securely communicate with Meridian Servers. Initially, is not available and it must be generated in the Beacons Management menu. This needs to only be done one time because the same Access Token can be used for both Beacons Management and Asset Tracking.
If the access token has not been generated yet, follow the steps below to generate a new access token:
In your Meridian Editor cloud account, navigate to Beacons > Beacons Management
Click Generate your access token to get started
After the access token is generated, it will be displayed in the ACCESS TOKEN window. To the right of the window is a copy button that can be used to copy the value onto your clipboard for copy and paste operations.
Meridian Server URL
Meridian has a Standard Server for the general users and an EU Server specifically for the European Union. When configuring the Meridian configuration profiles, it is critical that you use the correct server URL. To find out which server URL to use, look at the webpage URL that you use for accessing your Meridian Editor account.
For example:
If you access your Editor account by using https://edit.meridianapps.com, then you are using the Standard Server
If you access your Editor account by using https://edit-eu.meridianapps.com, then you are using the EU Server.
It is important that you know which instance of Meridian Server your Meridian Editor account is set up in so that you can enter the correct Meridian Server URL when configuring or tyour devices to communicate with Meridian servers.
Beacons Management Server URL
Standard Server: https://edit.meridianapps.com/api/beacons/manage
EU Server: https://edit-eu.meridianapps.com/api/beacons/manage
Asset Tracking Server URL
Standard Server: https://tags.meridianapps.com/api/v1beta1/streams/ingestion.start
UE Server: https://tags-eu.meridianapps.com/api/v1beta1/streams/ingestion.start
Location ID
The Location ID is only required when configuring IoT profile for Asset Tracking. It can be found in the Meridian Editor settings page or in the URL of your account.
Or you can get it from the webpage URL after you log into your Edit account. The syntax for the Meridian Editor URL will look like this:
https://edit.meridianapps.com/apps/<Location ID>
HPE Networking Instant Configurations
Enable the Internal Access Point Beacons
Enabling the internal BLE using HPE Networking Instant is supported in the graphical user interface. The internal BLE must be enabled so that it can be provisioned for use with Meridian.
Enabling the Internal BLE Radio using the GUI.
*** FEATURE NOT SUPPORTED ON 8.6.0.x and 8.7.0.x ***
Unlike HPE Networking Instant 8.5.0.x and prior, enabling the Internal BLE radio using the
UI is not supported in 8.6.0.x and 8.7.0.x. Use CLI to enable the Internal BLE radio.
Enabling the Internal BLE Radio using CLI
HPE Networking Instant 8.6.x has made a change to enabling the internal BLE radio from the previous versions. Up to Instant 8.5, you can enable the internal BLE radio in the GUI but with 8.6 and 8.7, that is not longer supported in the UI.
If you upgraded from a previous version of Instant, you will find that the BLE radio has stopped broadcasting. This functionality has migrated to the IoT Radio profile. Use the instructions below to enable the operation mode of the internal BLE radio using CLI.
(host) #configure terminal
We now support CLI commit model, please type "commit apply" for configuration
to take effect
Configure the Internal BLE Radio
(host) (config) #iot radio-profile ap-ble
(host) (config) (IoT Radio Profile "ap-ble" #radio-mode ble
(host) (config) (IoT Radio Profile "ap-ble" #exit
(host) (config) #iot use-radio-profile ap-ble
(host) #commit apply
commiting configuration...
configuration committed.
This is all that needs to be done to enable the internal BLE radio. All other parameters are default values that you do not need to set.
Verify That The Internal BLE Radio Is Set Correctly
(host) [mynode] #show iot radio-profile "ap-ble"
Name :ap-ble
Reference :1
Instance :internal
Mode :ble
BLE Opmode :scanning beaconing
BLE Console :
BLE TxPower :0
Zigbee Mode :coordinator
Zigbee Channel(s) :auto
The default BLE Op Mode is scanning beaconing so you don't have to specify the value. You just have to create the profile and set the mode to ble.
Check the AP’s configuration to ensure that the profile is received correctly
(host) #show ap debug ble-config ap-name
---------- IOT Radio Profiles -----------------
Profile Name : ap-ble
Radio Instance : Internal
Radio Mode : BLE
BLE Mode : beaconing scanning
BLE Console : Off
BLE Tx Power (dBm) : 0
Disregard the BLE Tx Power (dBm) value of "0". It is not used at the moment because this version of the firmware does not support changing Tx power through the radio profile.
The internal BLE should be broadcasting it's BLE MAC address at this point. If you are near an AP, you can use the Meridian Manager app to scan and find the BLE MAC for the AP. After you find the AP beacon, you can go ahead and configure the beacon by moving it onto the Meridian map.
Configure IoT Transport Profile for Beacons ManagementAfter the BLE radio has been enabled on the AP, you are ready to configure the IoT profile for Beacons Management. The Beacons Management IoT profile is required for sending data such as beacon mac address, uuid/major/minor, battery level, transmit power, hardware type, firmware, etc to the Meridian Beacon Management server. This is also required if you plan to use Meridian Asset Tracking.
Configuring Beacons Management IoT Profile using the GUI
Complete the following steps to configure the beacons management IoT profile. On the Virtual Controller, navigate to Configurations > Services > IoT. In the IoT Endpoints section, click on the +, enter the following, then click Save.
- Name: <Beacon Managemen IoT Profile Name>
- Type: Meridian Beacons Management
- State: Enable
- URL: <Beacon Management Server URL>
- Transport Interval: 600
- Authorization token: <Access Token>
Note: Meridian manages the Transport Interval property as needed, so while it is a required configuration, the value entered will only be used for the very first connection. Meridian's default is 3600.
Configuring Beacons Management IoT Profile using the CLI
(host) (config) # iot transportProfile beacons-management
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointType Meridian-Beacon-Management
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointURL https://edit.meridianapps.com/api/beacons/manage
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointToken <access token>
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # transportInterval 600
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # vlan 1
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # exit
(host) (config) # iot useTransportProfile beacons-management
(host) (config) # exit
(host)# commit apply
committing configuration...
configuration committed.
Whenever a change is made to IoT transport profile, execute the command “useTransportProfile” to sync the configurations to the APs.
Verify the connection to Meridian has been established in Editor
After the changes are set and deployed, the connection to Meridian beacon server should be established. In Meridian Editor, navigate to the Beacons Management page to make sure the status for Beacon Management is Connected: Your HPE Networking network is connected to the Meridian Editor. The Editor last heard from your network a few seconds ago.
Configuring Asset Tracking IoT Profile
Asset Tracking IoT Prerequisites
The following are two prerequisites must be done before configuring the Asset Tracking IoT profile:
1. Configure Beacons Management IoT Profile. Even if you are not planning to use Meridian Beacon Management, configuring the IoT Transport Profile for Beacons Management is required prior to configuring the IoT Transport Profile for Asset Tracking. The Beacons Management IoT profile is required for sending data such as tag mac address, uuid/major/minor, battery level, hardware type, etc to the Meridian Beacon Management server. If you haven’t done so, please go to Configure IoT Transport Profile for Beacons Management before proceeding with this section.
2. Add the DigiCert Root Certificate to the Virtual Controller. A rootCA certificate is required on the controller when connecting the the tags server.
To add the certificate to the Virtual Controller,
- Navigate to Maintenance > Certificates and click on Upload New Certificate.
- Download and add the DigiCert Root Certificate. The root CA certificate for Meridian is can be downloaded from here.
- Browse for the certificate file and upload it
- Certificate type: CA
- Certificate format: X509 (.pem .cer or .crt)
- Click Upload Certificate
Complete the following steps to configure the Asset Tracking IoT profile. On the Virtual Controller, navigate to Configurations > Services > IoT. In the IoT Endpoints section, click on the +, enter the following, then click Save.
- Name: <Asset Tracking IoT Profile Name>
- Type: Meridian Tags
- State: Enable
- URL: <Asset Tracking Server URL>
- Transport Interval: 5
- Authorization token: <Access Token>
- Location ID: <Location ID>
Configuring Asset Tracking IoT Profile using the CLI
(host) (config) # iot transportProfile asset-tracking
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointType Meridian-Beacon-Management
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointURL https://edit.meridianapps.com/api/beacons/manage
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # endpointToken <access token>
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # transportInterval 5
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # vlan 1
(host) (IoT Data Profile "Beacons Management") # exit
(host) (config) # iot useTransportProfile asset-tracking
(host) (config) # exit
(host)# commit apply
committing configuration...
configuration committed.
At least one asset tag must be added and within in range of a configured AP before the AP will initiate the connection to the Meridian asset tag server.
This guide provides the fundamental components necessary to configure the infrastructure to communicate with Meridian Servers for Beacons Management and Asset Tracking. If the system does not work as expected after completing all the steps described above, please contact asp.arubanetworks.com.
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