AOS 8.2.x Meridian Beacons Management and Asset Tracking Configuration Guide Follow
This guide describes the setup and configurations required for supporting Meridian Beacons Management and Asset Tracking on the Aruba Controller.
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This article assumes that the user has admin rights to configure their infrastructure according to Aruba's deployment guide using Aruba Controllers and Access Points (APs). The user must also have admin access to an active Aruba Meridian Editor account and the required Meridian SKU are enabled for beacons management and/or asset tracking.
General WLAN Configurations to Support Meridian
The Aruba Wi-Fi network infrastructure is configured using an Aruba controller and APs. When you configure a controller with Meridian configuration profiles and apply them to the AP group, it will propagate that configuration profile to all connected APs in that group.
Configure Clock/NTP services
Time synchronization is an essential part of managing beacons and tracking asset in your network so make sure that all the nodes are synchronized with the same reference server and time.
Configure preferred DNS to reach *
The controller should have DNS configured and be able to reach * server.
Meridian Editor Assets
The following Meridian assets are required to complete the configurations on the Aruba Controller for Beacons Management and Asset Tracking.
Access Token
The Access Token is used by the controller to securely communicate with Meridian Servers. Initially, is not available and it must be generated in the Beacons Management menu. This needs to only be done one time because the same Access Token can be used for both Beacons Management and Asset Tracking.
If the access token has not been generated yet, follow the steps below to generate a new access token:
In your Meridian Editor cloud account, navigate to Beacons > Beacons Management
Click Generate your access token to get started

After the access token is generated, it will be displayed in the ACCESS TOKEN window. To the right of the window is a copy button that can be used to copy the value onto your clipboard for copy and paste operations.

Meridian Server URL
Aruba Meridian has a Standard Server for the general users and an EU Server specifically for the European Union. When configuring the Meridian configuration profiles, it is critical that you use the correct server URL. To find out which server URL to use, look at the webpage URL that you use for accessing your Meridian Editor account.
For example:
If you access your Editor account by using, then you are using the Standard Server
If you access your Editor account by using, then you are using the EU Server.
It is important that you know which instance of Meridian Server your Meridian Editor account is set up in so that you can enter the correct Meridian Server URL when configuring or tyour devices to communicate with Meridian servers.
Beacons Management Server URL
Standard Server:
EU Server:
Asset Tracking Server URL
Standard Server:
UE Server:
Location ID
The Location ID is only required when configuring IoT profile for Asset Tracking. It can be found in the Meridian Editor settings page or in the URL of your account.
Or you can get it from the webpage URL after you log into your Edit account. The syntax for the Meridian Editor URL will look like this:<Location ID>
Aruba Controller Configurations
Configure the Internal Access Point Beacons
After your controller is able to reach out to and you have your Meridian Assets identified, you can now start to configure the IoT Profiles to enable your controller to send data the Meridian servers.
Before you start, the AP Beacons (APB) must be enabled so that it can be provisioned for use with Meridian. If the APB is not enabled, the APB will not be broadcasting the beacon ID, therefore Meridian tools will not be able to configure the beacon. Enabling the APB can be done using the Controller GUI or the CLI.
Option 1: Configure the internal BLE radio Using the GUI
Although this is an option, I find that it is more convenient to do all the configurations in CLI.
On the Mobility Controller, navigate to Configuration > Wireless > AP Configuration > AP Group > default > AP > AP system > Advanced, then scroll down the page to find BLE Endpoint URL and BLE Auth Token and select Beaconing from the pull down menu. Then click Apply
Option 2: Configure the internal BLE radio Using CLI
In the samples below, an AP system profile labeled “default” will be configured to set the BLE op mode to “Beaconing” and then apply the profile to the AP group labeled “default”.
(host) [mynode] #configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
Create an AP system profile for the internal BLE radio
(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile sample-apsp
(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "sample-apsp") #ble-op-mode Beaconing
(host) [mynode] (AP system profile "sample-apsp") #exit
(host) [mynode] (config) #write memory
Saving Configuration...
Configuration Saved.
Apply the IoT radio profile to an AP group
(host) [mynode] (config) #ap-group sample-apg
(host) [mynode] (AP group "sample-apg") #ap-system-profile sample-apsp
(host) [mynode] (AP group "sample-apg") #exit
(host) [mynode] (config) #write memory
Saving Configuration...
Configuration Saved.
Verify that the AP system profile and the AP group are configured correctly
(host) [mynode] #show ap system-profile sample-apsp | include "BLE Operation Mode"
BLE Operation Mode Beaconing
(host) [mynode] #show ap-group sample-apg | include "AP system profile"
AP system profile sample-apsp
Check the AP’s configuration to ensure that the profile is received correctly
(host) [mynode] #show ap debug ble-config ap-name AP-315A
BLE Configuration
Item Value
---- -----
BLE HW Type BT-AP310
BLE Ready Yes
Beacon Mgmt Update Intvl (in sec) 600
APB Info Update Intvl (in sec) 100 (2090/2049)
BLE debug log Disabled
Operational Mode Beaconing (APB: Beaconing)
Configure IoT Transport Profile for Beacons Management
After the BLE radio has been enabled on the AP, you are ready to configure the AP system profiles for Beacons Management.
Option 1: Configure and set the AP system profile using GUI
On the Mobility Controller, navigate to Configuration > System > Profiles > AP > AP Systems > default > Advanced, then scroll down the page to find BLE Endpoint URL and BLE Auth Token, then enter the Meridian Assets for those parameters and then click Submit > Pending Changes > Deploy Changes.
After the changes are set and deployed, the connection to Meridian beacon server should be established. In Meridian Editor, navigate to the Beacons Management page to make sure the status for Beacon Management is Connected: Your Aruba network is connected to the Meridian Editor. The Editor last heard from your network a few seconds ago.
Option 2: Configure and set the AP system profile using CLI
(host) [mynode] #configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
(host) [mynode] (config) #ap system-profile "sample-apsp"
(host) [mynode] (IoT Data Profile "sample-apsp") #ble-url
(host) [mynode] (IoT Data Profile "sample-apsp") #ble-token <access token>
(host) [mynode] (config) #write memory
Saving Configuration...
Configuration Saved.
Check the configuration parameters
(host) [mynode] (config) #show ap system-profile sample-apsp | include BLE
BLE Endpoint URL
BLE Auth Token <access token>
BLE Operation Mode. Beaconing
Check that the AP system profile has been set
(host) [mynode] (config) #show ap system-profile
AP system profile List
Name References Profile Status
---- ---------- --------------
default 1
sample-apsp 1
NoAuthApSystem 1
The “1” indicates that the AP system profile has been set.
Verify the connection to Meridian has been established in Editor
After the changes are set and deployed, you can go to Meridian Editor cloud account to double check the status of Beacons Management. The status will show that the Beacon Management is now Connected.
In Meridian Editor, navigate to the Beacons Management page to make sure the status for Beacon Management is Connected: Your Aruba network is connected to the Meridian Editor. The Editor last heard from your network a few seconds ago.

Configure AP System Profile for Asset Tracking
Configuring the IoT Transport Profile for Beacons Management is required prior to configuring the IoT Transport Profile for Asset Tracking. If you haven’t done it yet, please complete the section to Configure IoT Transport Profile for Beacons Management before starting with this section.
Add the DigiCert Root Certificate to the Aruba Controller
A rootCA certificate is required on the controller when connecting the the tags server. The root CA certificate for Meridian is can be downloaded from here.
To add the certificate to the Mobility Controller, navigate to Configuration > System > Certificates > Import Certificates, and click on the "+" button:
Enter the Certificate name (no spaces)
Upload the Certificate
Select PEM as the certificate format
Select TrustedCA as the certificate type.
Click Submit
Meridian Asset Tracking was previously using a GeoTrust Root Certificate for SSL signing. That is no longer needed, If you had previously installed the GeoTrust Root Certificate you can safely remove it from the WebGUI.
If you are unsure, you can search for it using the following CLI. In this case, it did not exit, so there is not further actions to take:
(host) [mynode] #show crypto-local pki TrustedCA
Name Original Filename Reference Count Expired
-------------- ----------------- --------------- -------
(host) [mynode] #configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
(host) [mynode] (config) #no crypto-local pki TrustedCA <GeoTrust cert name>
Configure and set the BLE relay management server
(host) [mynode] #configure terminal
Enter Configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z
(host) [mynode] (config) #ble_relay mgmt-server type ws wss://
(host) [mynode] (config) #write memory
Saving Configuration...
Partial configuration for /mm/mynode
Contents of : /flash/com/partial/2/p=sc=mynode.cfg
ble_relay mgmt-server type ws was://tags./
Configuration Saved.
Verify the BLE relay status are ready
(host) [mynode] #show ble_relay dis-attr all
webSocket Connect Request : Yes
WebSocket Connect Status : Connection Established
Websocket Connect Established : Yes
Websocket Loglevel : 0
Tag Logging : Off
Websocket Address : wss://
Websocket Host :
Websocket Path : streams/v1beta1/ingestion/tags/websocket
Current Websocket Started at : <date time>
Websocket Terminated at : <date time>
Websocket Write Stats : 311 (15112B)
Websocket Write WM : 119B (0)
Websocket Read Stats : 0 (0B)
At least one deployed asset tag will need to be in range of a configured AP before the AP will initiate the WSS connection.
If the WebSocket Connect Status does not get to Connection Established, then go back and check the make sure you have completed the following:
Look at the logs via CLI: (host) [mynode] #show ble_relay ws-log "Asset Tracking"
Verify that the DigiCert Root Certificate is installed.
Verify that DNS is set up properly
- You may need to reboot the server for all changes to be applied
This guide provides the fundamental components necessary to configure the infrastructure to communicate with Meridian Servers for Beacons Management and Asset Tracking. If the system does not work as expected after completing all the steps described above, you may contact us as
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