Meridian Campaigns End of Support Life Follow
This article describes the impact of End of Support Life of Meridian Campaigns for existing and potential Meridian customers.
Campaigns was a module in the cloud-based Meridian Editor that allowed the user to create an automated task that displays a notification message on the user's mobile device when the mobile device comes into range of a Beacon. This enabled the venue to engage with the user based on the user's proximity to a specific beacon.
The Campaigns SKU included:
- Campaign status report on the Dashboard page
- Configuring proximity beacons using Meridian Manager mobile app
- Campaigns module for managing campaigns
- Campaigns reports
- Mobile SDK and API support for Campaigns
Effective Dates
The official announcement for Campaigns End of Sale (EOS) was published here: Meridian Campaigns End of Sale (EOS) & End of Support Life (EOSL) Announcement.
The Campaigns EOS Milestones were:
- Jan 31, 2021 - End of Sale (EOS) & End of Support Life (EOSL) announcement
- Jun 1, 2021 - End of Sale (EOS)
- Dec 31, 2021 - End of Support Life (EOSL)
The following Meridian SKUs were affected and are no longer available for sale as of June 1, 2021.
- JZ095AAE - Meridian Campaigns 1 year
- JZ100AAE - Meridian Campaigns 3 year
- JZ105AAE - Meridian Campaigns 5 year
NOTE: The Meridian Campaigns EOSL was 12/31/2021 which is the same date as EOSL for Meridian AppMaker. You can find out more about the Impact of Meridian AppMaker EOS here.
Product Changes
The ESOL for Meridian Campaign SKU will:
- Remove Campaign status report on the Dashboard page
- Remove Campaigns module for managing campaigns
- Remove Reports support for campaigns
- Remove Meridian Mobile SDK and API support for Campaigns, with the exception of code-level proximity trigger support in Meridian Mobile SDK
However, the following will features will continue to be supported:
- Configuring proximity beacons using Meridian Manager mobile app
- Code-level proximity trigger support in Meridian Mobile SDK
Removed Campaigns Status on the Dashboard Page
The Dashboard is the landing page for admins when they log into Meridian Editor to manage the contents of this location. It includes and overview of the location with regards to beacons, floors and campaigns. The Campaigns windows is removed and no longer available.
Removed Campaigns Module for Managing Campaigns
The Campaigns Module is the management page for all the Campaigns for the location. This is where an admin can create and configure the behavior of a proximity notification send to the user's mobile device.
Removed Campaign Reports
The Campaign reports module will be removed from the left-side menu bar and the reports will no longer available in Meridian Editor.
Removed Mobile SDKs and APIs Support for Campaigns
The EOSL for Campaigns coincides with the release of Meridian Mobile SDK 8.0 that will remove Campaigns from Mobile SDK from 8.0 and onwards. The only exception is that the proximity triggers will continue to be supported in the Mobile SDK for customers who uses the proximity trigger events to generate their own proximity notifications, similar to a Meridian Campaign was intended for.
Campaigns vs Proximity Triggers
With the Meridian solution, a proximity trigger is a subset of a Campaign. A proximity trigger listens for the presence of the beacon and initiates an event, whereas the Campaign contains the configurations of what the resulting action should be.
When an admin creates a campaign in Meridian Editor, they must enter the following data:
When a mobile device hears a proximity beacon that has been configured as part of a Meridian campaign, it triggers an event which requires Meridian to fulfill one of the following task:
- do nothing
- display a notification on the mobile device
- send a trigger event to a custom endpoint
The Campaign EOSL will discontinue support for taking an action when the mobile device hears a nearby proximity beacon. However, the customer will continue to be able to use the Mobile SDK to listen for nearby proximity beacons to get an event trigger. This code-level proximity trigger support in Meridian Mobile SDK will remain to provide the developer with a callback/event to respond to and take action as they see fit.
Available Options
Following Campaigns EOSL, Meridian will continue to support:
- Proximity Trigger. Meridian Mobile SDK will provide a means to listen to a set of proximity beacons (known as a beacon region) and provide a call/back event with beacon metadata.
- Trigger Debugging Tool. Meridian Manager mobile app will be updated to provide a proximity trigger debugging tool to enable the user to select a beacon and test a trigger.
- Proximity Beacon API. A new mobile API will be available to return RSSI, Major/Minor, XY and Map ID.
For more information regarding EOSL for Campaigns, please contact
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